
Bringing the Sun Back

I guess I am not off to a great start with my "new year's resolution" of posting more often since my last post was over 2 months ago. Oops. However, in my defense, this past month has been pretty crazy. The short version of the story is that I had surgery on a herniated muscle in my leg that was supposed to entail a 5 day recovery process. I ended up needing an additional surgery and about 3 extra weeks of recovery. Needless to say with this typical New England weather and being on crutches for a solid month, my life has not been too exciting. This also means a lot of sweat pants! So instead of posting my recent #ootd, I thought I would relive summer memories and share some of our honeymoon pictures (yes, this was about 8 months ago). Here's to the sun and the sand...

These pictures were taken at the Royal Lahaina Resort on Maui

Now for some less professional ones...

Being tourists on the USS Bowfin Submarine @ Pearl Harbor in Honolulu

Because no trip to Pearl Harbor is complete without a picture of the American Flag

In Waikiki
Michael Kors Summer dress and clutch from Christmas Tree Shop (gotta love a bargain)

My luau friend

Journeying to the Red Sand Beach in Maui

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