
Feet Fail Me Not

It was August 20th, and I think I went for my first run outside all summer. Pathetic, I know. But between being consumed with my wedding/honeymoon for the first part of summer, and pure laziness for the second half, it just never happened. It is especially sad because I used to run every single day for 5 years of my life #glorydays. 

What's the special occasion for a run now, you ask? Actually there are a few reasons... 

First thing is that I finally got a new pair of kicks. Fortunately for me, my husband gets a great discount at Reebok that I got to take advantage of. I figured that this would be the first step (no pun intended) toward my motivation. 


The second reason is because of the 2 road races that I have already signed up which will be taking place in October. One of them is a 5K Electric Run and the other is a 10K for breast cancer. I am really excited for both of them, but to be honest, am going to need some serious training for the 10K. More importantly, I am going to need some serious discipline to get these runs in now with my busier schedule. 

For any of you readers that, like me, find it hard to get the motivation to just start the run, here are some things that can hopefully help push you in the right direction.

New running gear
What girl doesn't love new clothes?!

Right playlist
Rap Strength Training on Pandora

And last but not least... some words of encouragement (and pictures)!

Feel free to comment about any tricks that you use when training! - M

1 comment:

  1. I've started to think about all the people that CAN'T exercise because they don't have the physical ability to. Sometimes I feel we take that for granted. #bostonstrong

    goodluck <3
