
New Year. New Blog

I am not typically one for New Year's resolutions, but since I have been a terrible blogger over the last few months, I figured I would make an exception. When I started A Mix of Mel, I was just getting back from my honeymoon, working in my 'non' busy season, and enjoying the luxuries of summer. Now, I feel like I am busier than ever and work at least 10 hours a day on a computer. It really shouldn't be an excuse considering this is a busy time of year for everyone, but just thought I would provide a little justification.

Since my last post in September (yikes), a lot has happened. And by that, I mean I have enjoyed a lot of new recipes, mixed a lot of new adult beverages, rearranged a lot of my house, and made a lot of new purchases. Most of these additions will be shared on the blog.

One of the more recent updates in my life, and in large part because of my new purchases, has been the 30 day closet remix. I found this challenge on Instagram and decided to partake. For the whole month of January, I will not purchase any new clothing, shoes, or bags (I am going to try to include jewelry in this as well, but taking baby steps). Most people would think this would be easy, and with the amount of clothing and accessories I own, my outfits should not suffer. It is not just about saving money, but also getting a little creative with pieces that my not be on the 'go to' shelf. With my love for all things fashion, I am looking forward to the challenge and will continue to post each outfit on Instagram (Mrsgordy731) for all to witness.

Casual 'Gap' Sunday

First day back to reality
Loft, Express, Stella and Dot

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