
Smoothie #2 - Tutti Frutti

After posting the last smoothie, I got a lot of suggestions for other concoctions and decided to give some a try. This one is called 'Tutti Frutti' (really just because the pineapple makes me think of a fruity cocktail on the beach). Compared to the last one, and as you can imagine based on the fruits added, this one definitely had more of a citrus flavor. I did use a new technique with this smoothie in that I chopped everything in my food processor before blending it, to try and get the pieces as small as possible. And let's be real, I just wanted an excuse to use my hot pink food processor. 

: Ingredients :

+ 1 cup of non-fat Greek Vanilla Yogurt
+ Green Grapes 
+ Pineapple
+ Kale

Once all of the food was actually processed, then  I added everything to the blender and voila! 

More smoothies to come but let me what your must-haves are!

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